Tuesday, December 21, 2010


This is it. Been writing a lot lately. I've had plenty of time to do so and let me tell you my creativity has been flowing. I've been reading a lot as well. Right now I'm dipping into Anne Lamont's Bird by Bird. So far, I love it. And she has a lot of great advice about writing and it's funny. I like funny.

Do you like to write? Do you have a journal where you figure stuff out? I think everyone should have a journal or a diary. I call my journal 'My Magic Journal: Where ideas are born'. I know that if I am having trouble with a scene then I can definitely work it out in my magic journal. Like magic, it'll start to flow and take a life of it's own. Mmh! Makes me weak in the knees.

Reminds me of Tyler Perry, how he started in his journal, being cathartic and all. From all that writing and purging look at him now. Well, let me go. I'm kind of light headed from the coffee I drank earlier. I'm really feeling it. I hope that's normal.  Until next time, I'm out!