Saturday, January 8, 2011

Intrigue All Around

Massive bird and fish deaths are not apocalyptic says an article on by Alister Doyle. And the subtitle of the article ''..this is a classic example of freak events colliding...'' Are they really? As I think about all of this animal death I'm thinking about the approaching 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar.

My question: are the earth's magnetic poles shifting? Could this account for birds falling out of the sky and fish washing a shore?It's already forced an airport to shutdown runways to adjust. Hmmm, sounds intriguing.

Here's lecturer and filmmaker David Wilcock's presentation on 2012.

Elsewhere, what about the hairless animal  shot dead in Nelson County, Kentucky. Many people thought the animal was the infamous Chupacabra. Would you be disappointed to learn that it was a hairless raccoon? Dang!

But the real question, why is the raccoon hairless? Is it disease, birth defect, or genetics, etc? Maybe I'm just too excited and want it to be something spectacular.

Meanwhile, Hollywood sure is loading up on movies and television shows about aliens attacking humanity (The Event, Monsters, Skyline, I Am Number Four, Battle: Los Angeles, etc...). Check out the list of alien invasion themed movies that have come out recently or are coming soon.

I'm seeing these movies being pumped out like crazy. Is someone trying to tell us something? 'Yes, there is life out there Mr. Pritchard.' I'll be blown away; I want it to be true so bad. These are exciting times. Call me insane, out of my mine, or 'he's ok'.

Who are these aliens? Are they little green men or (here's the big revelation) are they human? Richard C. Hoagland of theories that these ETs are human, and Disclosure (governments informing the masses that aliens do exist) won't occur in the classic sense of one standing before us via television and proclaiming "Aliens do exist!".

Instead, it'll be in code. For more, check out Richard C. Hoagland below.

Further reading:

Animal Magnetism
Moving Magnetic North Pole May be the Cause of Mysterious Bird, Fish & Crab Deaths

Until next time, I'm out!

-----J.S. Pritchard

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